Meetup on DORA & Cybersecurity in FS


Meetup on DORA and Cybersecurity in FS

Thank you to all the participants, speakers, and companies, especially to Degroof Petercam who made this event a great success!!

In the dynamic landscape of financial technology, the collaboration between banks and fintech companies presents exciting opportunities alongside significant challenges. In our recent Meetup, we addressed these challenges and explored the intricacies of managing cybersecurity and regulatory constraints, particularly in light of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).

Hosted on April 23rd, the event provided a platform for industry experts and cybersecurity specialists to share insights, experiences, and strategies for navigating the evolving regulatory landscape and fostering fruitful collaborations between banks and fintechs. The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) took centre stage as experts shed light on its implications for both banks and fintech companies.

  • Fabio Colombo from Accenture provided a comprehensive overview, highlighting the regulatory landscape and its impact on the financial sector.

  • Emmanuel Ndiaye of Degroof Petercam emphasised the importance of cybersecurity in the financial sector, likening it to a marathon rather than a sprint. His insights underscored the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive financial data in an increasingly digital ecosystem.

  • Vincent Defrenne of NViso addressed the challenge faced by service providers in the financial sector, emphasizing the delicate balance between regulatory compliance and maintaining competitiveness. His presentation offered valuable perspectives on navigating regulatory constraints while driving innovation and growth.

  • Annelore Lenoir from Docbyte shared her organisation's journey towards ISO 27001 certification, offering practical insights into achieving compliance and enhancing operational resilience in the face of evolving regulatory requirements.

  • Joeri Van Speybroek from Dell challenged attendees to view DORA not as a problem but as an opportunity for growth and innovation. His perspective resonated with the audience, highlighting the importance of embracing regulatory changes as catalysts for positive transformation.

The event concluded with a dynamic panel discussion and Q&A session moderated by Toon Vanagt. Panelists, including Laurens Dauwe from Osborne Clarke, engaged in a lively exchange of ideas, addressing pressing concerns and offering practical solutions to the challenges facing the industry.

Attendees left with valuable insights, actionable strategies, and a renewed sense of optimism regarding the future of bank-fintech collaboration. With cybersecurity and regulatory compliance at the forefront, the event underscored the importance of cooperation, innovation, and adaptability in driving sustainable growth and resilience in the financial sector!

Event Replay

Did you miss the webinar? Here is the replay for you.


FTBE Main Presentation

Fabio Colombo - Accenture

Emmanuel Ndiaye - Degroof Petercam

Annelore Lenoir - Docbyte

Joeri Van Speybroek - Dell



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