A great Fintech Bootcamp with Vlerick Business School

Very inspiring day coorganised between Vlerick Business School and our Association.
Thank you professor Bjorn Cumps ! πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“
The Fintech Bootcamp kindly hosted by Simont Braun was a great opportunity to meet new students and to get some of our members to share their expertise and entrepreneurial journey with them.

We are really happy to be able to collaborate on bringing awareness to new #talents about #entrepreneurship and how fun and rocknroll working in #fintech can be! πŸ”₯πŸ€˜πŸΌπŸš€
This is crucial for industry ..

Thank you to all the speakers for the insights and knowledge shared during the event… Truly inspiring! Philippe De PrezJoan CaretteArthur Van Den Bossche from Simont Braun Alessandra✨ Gambrill - Guion , Athanasios Soutos from Keyrock , Edouard Beauvois from AiVidens , Sophie Lever from Greenomy , Pietjan Vandooren from  Rock.estate.

And especially Simont Braun for hosting such a valuable event!

Keep on helping us shape the future of the fintech industry. πŸš€

#fintechbe #students #event
#VlerickBusinessSchool #collaboration #innovation #entrepreneurship

FinTech Belgium is proud to have been part of this exciting event and looks forward to future collaborations and developments in the ever-evolving FinTech industry.


Opening of SQ North with Lous and the Yakuza


Microsoft at FIRe Hub to discuss with our community!